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时间:2025-03-07 10:21:16 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
It's hard to pinpoint one great moment out of the 10 years。 Friends。graced our television screens be
It's hard to pinpoint one great moment out of the 10 years。 Friends 。graced our television screens because are too many too chose from. Not only did we get iconic scenes from the show but there were countless lines that have stood the test of time. I mean, how many times have you said "how you doin'?"。"。
SEE ALSO:Cole Sprouse had a really difficult time working with Jennifer Aniston on 'Friends' 。Well, Matthew Perry narrowed down his favorite one-liner of all time while appearing on。 Good Morning America 。. It comes from Season 2, episode 1, “The One with Ross’ New Girlfriend” in which Chandler is talking to Joey (Matt LeBlanc) about his longtime tailor and tosses out a trademark Chandler sarcastic quip.
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