时间:2025-03-18 05:14:59 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
The southern right whale was given its name because tragically, it was the "right" whale for whaling
The southern right whale was given its name because tragically, it was the "right" whale for whaling. The animals tended to swim close to shore, making them easy marks for whalers who hunted them to the brink of extinction.。
Thanks to drones, researchers are helping the southern right whale make a comeback while keeping an eye on the effects of climate change.。
SEE ALSO:Climate activists shut down 5 tar sands oil pipelines。Researchers from Murdoch University, supported by WWF Australia, are monitoring the whales as they breed in the Great Australian Bight in the country's south. 。
Fredrik Christiansen, a researcher at Murdoch University, told。 Fredrik Christiansen, a researcher at Murdoch University, told。Mashable。
Bella's calf on July 3 (top) and September 4 (bottom). The calf grew 1.83 metres (6 foot) in length in two months.Credit: FREDRIK CHRISTIANSEN/MURDOCH UNIVERSITY 。
"Although the humpback was hunted almost as much, the humpbacks are 10 times as many now as the southern right whale," he said. "They are still endangered. There are still populations in the North Atlantic where they are critically endangered."。
When the whales visit Australia, they typically breed and aggregate along the south coast of the country from late May to late October. That gives scientists the opportunity to use drones to monitor their health.。
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The team fly DJI Inspire 1 Pro drones off the cliffs of the Great Australian Bight with the permission of the Aboriginal Lands Trust, allowing them to minimise disturbance to the animals while getting high resolution images and measurements.。
"When the whales leave, the females look quite emaciated," he said. "There is so much energy being transferred between the female and the calves, especially when they're not feeding." During this time, the mother whales rely entirely on their fat stores.。
Maybeline and her calf on July 2 (top) and August 31 (bottom). Maybeline lost 40 cm (16 inches) in width while her calf gained 1.53 metres (5 foot) in length.Credit: FREDRIK CHRISTIANSEN/MURDOCH UNIVERSITY。
Ultimately, the team hope to discover how climate change will affect the whales. For example, how krill production in their Antarctic feeding ground -- the abundance of which will likely be impacted by the rise in sea temperature and receding sea ice -- will affect their condition once they arrive in Australia.。
"We can also compare our population to other populations to see if the Australian population is doing better," he added. 。
Bella on July 3 (top) and September 4 (bottom). She lost 31 centimetres (12 inches) in width in 63 days.Credit: FREDRIK CHRISTIANSEN/MURDOCH UNIVERSITY 。
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