时间:2025-03-07 10:16:32 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Capitalism, and a whole lotta glitter, won today.The Los Angeles Auto Show is full of futuristic con
Capitalism, and a whole lotta glitter, won today.
The Los Angeles Auto Show is full of futuristic concept cars and high tech EVs. But the car I saw at the annual convention that I wanted the absolute most was a glitter-covered convertible with a bubblegum pink interior from… Barbie.
In a hallway across from some sort of army green all-terrain EV golf cart situation, there was a display that could not have stood out more from all of the beige upholstery and gray suits. The floor was painted with rainbow swirls and a background with the Barbie logo showed a technicolor highway floating off into a bright blue and pink wonderland. That was the setting for the main event, the Barbie EXTRA car.
The car is a teeny convertible with winged doors, rainbow rims, fluffy pink headrests, and of course that glitter paint job. The "license plate" below a jaunty spoiler reads “Barbie” and the headlights and brakelights are stars.
No two ways about it: I want the Barbie car. I want to blast Hoku's Perfect Day and roll up to my bestie's house, honkin' BEEP BEEP for her to get in so we can go to the mall. We'll sip cherry cola and wear barrettes and impractical shoes. VROOM VROOM, step on it, Barbie!
I think I need this car????
The car at the Auto Show was actually drivable because it's just a modified Fiat convertible. Sadly, Mattel is not manufacturing or selling this car for all of us Barbies with drivers licenses. It is, of course, a marketing stunt.
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The car display was promoting a new line of Barbies and their new "EXTRA" — yes, as in, "she's so extra" — car.
"The Barbie Extra dolls embody maximalism to the max," read the only explanation for what the hell was going on at the Barbie booth. "This stylish crew has a 'more is more' attitude — even their car is sooo EXTRA!"
I don't care that it's a stunt meant to sell dolls with smooth plastic crotches. This car rocks. Why can't it be mine? I want it. I want the Barbie car. Give it to me. BEEP!
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