时间:2024-12-04 01:15:17 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
How do you go about ending a show that you've been on for over 15 years? What final words do you cho
How do you go about ending a show that you've been on for over 15 years? What final words do you choose to go out on?
Well, BBC journalist Andrew Marr — presenter of Sunday's political talk show The Andrew Marr Show— chose to go out Ron Burgundy-style.
"I have been wondering how to close this final show, but I can't do better than quoting my great mentor," Marr says in the clip below, which has since gone viral on Reddit. "You stay classy, San Diego."
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"Stay class, San Diego" is, of course, how Ron Burgundy (the Anchormanlead character played by Will Ferrell) signs off all of his broadcasts.
SEE ALSO:BBC weatherman kills the channel's theme song on drums after delivering the forecastMarr, known for tough interviews with leading UK politicians, isn't especially reminiscent of Ron Burgundy, but hey — he's clearly a fan of the man's work.
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