时间:2025-03-07 11:08:13 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
When you're big enough to be parodied by The Simpsons, you know you've truly made it.This was the po
When you're big enough to be parodied by The Simpsons, you know you've truly made it.
This was the position the Stranger Thingscrew found themselves in on Sunday, when The Simpsons' 30th "Treehouse of Horror" special aired.
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Introducing: Danger Things.
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The Stranger Thingsparody made up one of several stories that formed The Simpsons' 666th episode.
Here's Bart, Milhouse, Nelson, and Martin as the Stranger Thingsboys.
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And here's Kirk Van Houten, taking on the role of Joyce Byers.
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But, surely most perfect of all, here's the no-nonsense Lisa as Eleven.
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They even managed a casual hat-tip to the old Lisa, as she first appeared on The Tracey Ullman Showin the 80s.
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The Simpsons 666th episode is available to stream now on Fox.
TopicsNetflixStranger ThingsThe Simpsons
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