时间:2025-02-28 19:56:24 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
The Blues Brothers. Thelma and Louise. Prince and the Revolution. All combinations that have gone do
The Blues Brothers. Thelma and Louise. Prince and the Revolution. All combinations that have gone down in history as the greats.
So the marriage of two ice cream legends -- the Cornetto and Australia's much-loved Golden Gaytime -- seems destined for success.
SEE ALSO:Artisanal astronaut ice cream is out of this worldTogether, they're called the ~Golden Gaynetto~ and it's this dream hybrid that's generated a sh*t tonne of excitement in Australia.
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For those who don't know what a Golden Gaytime is, you've been missing out. It's a toffee and vanilla ice cream on a popsicle stick, coated with chocolate and biscuit crumbs. If that doesn't win you over, the glorious tagline for the product is: "It's hard having a Gaytime on your own!"
Now, putting it all inside a crunchy waffle cone seems set to be a sure winner. But does it taste like an actual Gaytime, or hell, even better?
Streets has transferred those vital Gaytime components over to its Gaynetto hybrid, such as the vanilla and toffee ice cream, plus those addictive and crumbly biscuit pieces. They taste exactly like the original, and the introduction of the Cornetto waffle cone is very welcome.
But there's a glaring problem to it all: That whack of chocolate sauce that sits righton the top of the ice cream cone.
It's smoky, a little bitter and a lot out of place. Is it meant to replicate the thin coating that sits between the biscuit crumbs and the ice cream?
Overall, it's an acceptable enough ice cream. But not worth the Twitter hype. Gaytime is perfect enough as it is.
Like David Bowie and Mick Jagger's mediocre cover of "Dancing In The Street" -- the combination of legends always looks great on paper. But there is no guarantee that it will be great in real life.
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