时间:2025-03-09 22:35:14 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
Nate Silver is not some kind of election-predicting machine, people. He's a human being. And he's ha
Nate Silver is not some kind of election-predicting machine, people. He's a human being. And he's had it up to here with you questioning his methods.
The Huffington Postran a story called "Nate Silver Is Unskewing Polls — All Of Them — In Trump’s Direction" on Saturday, written by Ryan Grim, the publication's D.C. bureau chief.
SEE ALSO:Why it's completely legal to trade votes across state linesGrim accuses Silver of "making a mockery of the very forecasting industry that he popularized."
How so? By "changing the results of polls to fit where he thinks the polls truly are, rather than simply entering the poll numbers into his model and crunching them."
Currently, Silver's FiveThirtyEightgives Hillary Clinton a 64.5 percent chance of winning the election, while HuffPost Pollster is giving her a 98 percent chance of winning.
In the past presidential election, Silver was stunningly accurate, correctly predicting the winner in 50 states. During the Republican primaries, however, he admitted that he "acted like a pundit and screwed up on Donald Trump."
He stood by his most recent predictions and didn't take Grim's attack lightly.
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Grim defended himself ...
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... but Silver wasn't having any of it.
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Welcome to the 2016 presidential election, America, where even the discourse surrounding polling data is ugly.
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