时间:2025-03-01 00:11:35 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
LONDON -- In 2016 -- for the first time ever -- Team GB will compete in the rugby sevens at the 2016
LONDON -- In 2016 -- for the first time ever -- Team GB will compete in the rugby sevens at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
SEE ALSO:Runner accurately predicted her 2016 Olympic dreams five years agoFive stars of Team GB's women's rugby team have posed naked in celebration of the bodies that help them achieve their goals.
In Women's Health's September issue, the five Olympians talk openly about their relationships with their bodies, and how their body shapes enable them to play rugby.
“I’ll always remember trying on my prom dress and being upset at how broad and muscular I was. It was my brother who pointed out that my build was the very thing that would help me achieve my dreams of playing pro rugby for England," full back Danielle Waterman (second on the right) told Women's Health.
"It changed my mindset and I hold on to it still. My body is how it is – 5 foot, 8 inches and powerful. For good reason,” Waterman continued.
Centre Amy Wilson-Hardy (second on left) said she always does her hair and make-up before a game because looking feminine helps her feel confident.
"I’ve grown to love my bigger legs and bum – they’re vital for bursts of speed. I train to win, but a lean and defined body in the mirror is a bonus," Wilson-Hardy.
Flanker Heather Fisher (far left) started suffering from alopecia at the time of the 2010 Rugby World Cup due to the stress of the tournament.
"What made it hard was, I’d already battled with body confidence after my shape changed dramatically when I switched from being an Olympic bobsleigher to rugby – my shoulders shrank and my legs got bigger. But I don’t train to look good; simply to be effective,” Fisher continued.
The full interview appears in the September 2016 issue of Women’s Health, which goes on sale Aug. 3.
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