时间:2025-03-07 11:20:43 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
Say what you will about early 2000s fashion, but。 Gilmore Girls。 always had a distinct and unreplica
Say what you will about early 2000s fashion, but 。 Gilmore Girls 。 always had a distinct and unreplicatable look. But because it's a TV show, that effortless turn-of-the-century chic is meticulously chosen, and for that there need to be some rules. 。
SEE ALSO:The 'Gilmore Girls' cast is talking about favorite memories in adorable featurette 。SEE ALSO:The 'Gilmore Girls' cast is talking about favorite memories in adorable featurette。 At the。Gilmore Girls 。
fan festival over Oct. 20-23, costume designer Valerie Campbell revealed that no matter what the cast wore on set, bare midriffs were absolutely forbidden. 。 “That’s what the style was, and at the time we started。“That’s what the style was, and at the time we started。 Gilmore 。, it was right when the waistlines went from your belly button down to the lower part of your [pants]," Campbell said, according to。 HelloGiggles。. 。
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"You’ll see Alexis [Bledel] and Lauren [Graham] tucking down their shirts," Campbell explained. "The reason they’re tucking down their is shirts because if you saw the midriff, we would cut."。
This proved particularly difficult during longer shots, such as when the girls walk and talk and the camera doesn't cut between angles. If any scandalous stomach skin snuck in, the shot would have to be scrapped.。
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