时间:2025-03-18 16:44:16 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
This hasn't been the easiest year. Luckily, we now have the perfect emoji to illustrate the feelings
This hasn't been the easiest year. Luckily, we now have the perfect emoji to illustrate the feelings 2016 left in our cold dead hearts.
Hidden among the 104 new emoji in Apple's iOS 10.2 update was a new spin on an old classic and it's already become everyone's favorite new emoji: the black heart.
SEE ALSO:Apple's massive emoji redesign arrives with iOS 10.2Sitting at the front of the "symbols" section between the broken heart and the purple heart, the black heart is the one emoji everyone is 😍 about.
And here's what it looks like on Android, Twitter and other platforms (though, let's be real, the gray ones aren't nearly as good.)
Also known as "dark heart emoji," according to Emojipedia, it "may be used to express morbidity, sorrow, or a form of dark humor."
It's also the perfect emoji for those who have had a rough time in 2016.
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Even those who don't like the new look for emoji in iOS still love the black heart.
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