时间:2025-03-09 10:42:22 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
As Donna and Tom always said, it's important to...Via GiphyAnd what excellent advice that is. Whethe
As Donna and Tom always said, it's important to...
Via GiphyAnd what excellent advice that is. Whether you're a little down, you've been slaying the game lately, or it's just a regular ol' Tuesday, everyone deserves a treat every now and again.
SEE ALSO:You should probably think twice about buying Girl Scout cookies on AmazonBut don't be fooled. Doing something nice for yourself doesn't have to be expensive. In fact, it doesn't even have to cost you a dime. Here are some great freeways to boost your mood, celebrate you, and TREAT YO SELF.
You don't need lots of money or a fancy spa to feel good and soak up some youtime. There are plenty of at-home spa treatments you can do all by yourself. Give yourself a manicure and pedicure, try out one of those cool DIY face masks you've seen online everywhere, take some extra time and give your face or legs a really good shave. Doing something nice for yourself that feels expensive, but won't cost you a dime. It will make you feel great on the inside and look great on the outside.
Why is taking your dog for a walk on a nice day one of the best feelings in the world? There's something about holding the leash and letting your pup guide you that just makes you feel like you can take on the world. Your dog gets so happy, which in turn makes you happy. Between the fresh air and spending quality time with your pup, you'll get an instant mood boost. If you don't have one, surely you know someone who would be glad to pass off their responsibility to you for an afternoon.
If you don't have a dog, go to the park and say "hi" to other owners and their pups. With their owner's permission, pet some doggies and instantly feel happy. Leave your phone at home and enjoy all the goodness around you. Listen to the birds, watch the pups play, and take in the moment. Dogs don't care about who you are or how much you can afford. They just want their bellies rubbed.
If you're lucky enough to work somewhere that provides you with free snacks, take advantage! We don't recommend going overboard, but treat yourself after you do something productive or if you just made it into work that day. That deserves some praise, too.
Weekend naps are the best.There's nothing like laying in bed in your empty apartment under your big, comfy blanket with the TV on faintly in the background and taking the longest, deepest nap. Everyone's out doing weekend things so you'll be home alone with no one to bother you. Put your phone on silent, cancel all plans, and prepare to indulge in the sweetest slumber. It's been a tough week- you deserve it.
You've done a great job of trying to eat healthier lately and that's all well and good. But sometimes you just need some greasy, caloric, disgusting, deliciously bad food to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Take all the "bad" food out of your fridge and freezer and have yourself a shameless little buffet. Have dessert before dinner. Better yet, eat three desserts. Who cares! It's treat yourself day. Warning: this culinary jaunt will make you feel good at the time of eating, but probably worse later. Enjoy it while you can!
After a long day or week, sometimes you just need to relax and unwind with some silly movies and bad TV. If you've been wanting to binge-watch a series, watch that movie everyone's been talking about, or listen to that new album, now's your chance! Sign up for a bunch of free trials of all the great streaming services out there and take part in a media overload. Just DO NOT forget to cancel them before the trials end, or this free treat yo self will become very pricey very quickly.
Like petting dogs in the park or spending time with our own pets, just looking at adorable little fluffy creature make us smile (unless you're not human!). Take a crazy amount of time to look at all of the cutest animals the internet has to offer. If you're looking for some good ones to make you feel brand new, check out meow_york_kitties, juniperfoxx, cupcake.the.pom, and scruffles_fatcat.
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Don't want to pay for the most recent installment of your favorite book series or the latest movie? You don't have to! There's this nifty place called the ~library~ where you can rent any movie, book, comic book, magazine, etc. for freeif you have a cool little gadget called a ~library card~. It's real, people. Try it.
If you already have baking ingredients hidden in the back of your pantry, this is a wonderful way to relax that results in a delicious treat. Look up a recipe online for simple chocolate chip cookies or your basic cupcake and get to stirring. Bonus: you don't have to share with anyone.
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