时间:2025-03-18 00:22:20 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
Warning: The following post contains spoilers for the finale of Game of Thrones. You must know this
Warning: The following post contains spoilers for the finale of Game of Thrones. You must know this by now.
After nine years, eight seasons, and 73 episodes, Game of Thronesbowed out with – if nothing else – a massive sendoff. Tears were shed, fire breathed, and wine drunk (mostly by us). The Iron Throne dissolved (literally), giving way to Westeros' first oligarchy, and the Starks split up (by choice this time) to explore the world and keep the peace.
Season 8 garnered mixed reactions from fans and critics, with arguably more pressure on the finale than ever before. After Daenerys went full Mad Queen, she met a swift death at the hands of her nephew/lover Jon The Starks finally found justice (mostly), with Bran the Broken taking the Throne (or *a* throne, since the original melted) and Sansa becoming Queen in the North. Arya rode West of Westeros, prime for a spinoff, while the rest of our faves stuck around King's Landing to support their new King. Both Jon and Tyrion ended up almost exactly back where they started; Tyrion as Hand of the King and Jon rejoining the Night's Watch after being found guilty of treason.
Hey, we love some full circle shit.
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