时间:2025-03-17 20:24:36 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
It may be winter in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou, but this guy's love still burns hot for his girl.
It may be winter in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou, but this guy's love still burns hot for his girl. 。
The lovestruck college undergrad laid out a ring of candles and petals in the shape of a heart, at the dormitory yard of the Zhengzhou University of Finance. 。
SEE ALSO:Single guy's romantic holiday photo is actually a hilarious goof 。Credit: wechat。
Credit: weibo。
His love interest hadn't even arrived yet to witness his romantic gesture, according to people at the scene, who started circulating pictures of the event live on Monday night.。
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Credit: weibo 。
A user called Astro 7, said: "I wonder what sort of heartbreak those teachers who extinguished the flames went through in their youth, to have forgotten how young love feels."。
Credit: wechat。
Credit: wechat 。Others enjoyed the schadenfreude of the moment. "Haha, the girl may have been thankful for the intervention," said Aaron.。"It was a corny gesture anyway!" said Min Gao. 。PlayStation Now game streaming is coming to PC2025-03-17 20:11
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