时间:2025-03-09 22:49:50 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
Star Wars: The Last Jedidirector Rian Johnson has responded to his film's polarized responses, and w
Star Wars: The Last Jedidirector Rian Johnson has responded to his film's polarized responses, and while his remarks may not settle the debate, it turns out that's not what he wants to do.
Johnson responded to a fan on Twitter by expressing that his intent was never to divide Star Wars fans, but that spirited conversations show the series is growing and changing – as are its fans.
SEE ALSO:Dark vs. Light: 'Star Wars' fans storm social media with dueling 'Last Jedi' opinionsTweet may have been deleted
The Last Jediis one of the best-reviewed Star Wars movies in history, but from opening night audiences had a much less favorable reaction to it than critics did. That's nothing new in the movie business, much less in Star Wars, but the nearly 40 percent discrepancy on Rotten Tomatoes means those negative responses are truly loathsome.
Many of those reactions come from the new Luke Skywalker, a character whose arc is so jarring that even Mark Hamill struggled with it after having been with the character for 40 years.
Meanwhile, the alt-right claimed credit for the backlash (okay), and yet another poll showed that audiences favored the film, so divisive reactions are still thriving during the film's theatrical run.
"I still haven't accepted it completely, but it's only a movie," Hamill said. Big if true.
The Last Jediis now in theaters.
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