时间:2025-03-18 01:28:45 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
Yes, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez watches Game of Thrones -- but you already knew that. Here's what she
Yes, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez watches Game of Thrones -- but you already knew that. Here's what she wants to go down in the show's final season.
Ocasio-Cortez appeared on the Yahoo News podcast Skullduggery on Sunday, and since the Season 8 GoT premiere was just a few hours away, the conversation made a natural stop in Westeros.
When asked who she thought would end up on the Iron Throne, AOC said that -- ideally -- she'd like to see the monarchy give way to democracy. "Can you imagine if no one ends up on the throne and they transition to democracy?" she said. "Wouldn't that be badass?"
Of course, that is probably not going to happen, particularly because everyone in Game of Thronesis about to be decimated by White Walkers. (If you're into the show's climate change allegory, let's just say the Seven Kingdoms could use a Green New Deal right about now.)
AOC gets it. Perhaps, she said, Jon and Dany will win it all and they can simply build a second throne to accommodate both of them. This was a viable answer (sort of) in a pre-Sunday night world, but now that Jon Snow knows he banged his aunt ... probably not going to happen.
Listen to the full episode below.
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