时间:2025-01-30 15:48:28 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
Demi Lovato, who has been a vocal supporter of Hillary Clinton and an advocate for mental illness, o
Demi Lovato, who has been a vocal supporter of Hillary Clinton and an advocate for mental illness, opened up about her personal struggles at the opening night of the Democratic National Convention.
"I stand here today as proof that you can live a normal and empowered life with mental illness," said Lovato. "I'm proud to support a presidential candidate who will ensure that all people living with mental health conditions get the care they need to live fulfilling lives. That candidate is Hillary Clinton."
SEE ALSO:Oh slay can you see: Watch Demi Lovato's incredible National Anthem performanceTweet may have been deleted
Lovato acknowledged that she's lucky she has the resources for great treatment, but knows most Americans aren't as privileged as her. "This is not about politics; it's the right thing to do."
Lovato has struggled with eating disorders, substance abuse and bi-polar disorder. She is involved in Be Vocal, an organization that works to reduce the stigma of mental health.
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Before the performance, she tweeted about her nerves, but pulled through with a vulnerable performance of the title track of her latest album, "Confident."
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