时间:2025-01-18 15:55:27 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
If you're an East Coaster with a sweet tooth, then Oreo might have you set for this holiday weekend.
If you're an East Coaster with a sweet tooth, then Oreo might have you set for this holiday weekend.
In the nick of time to celebrate the birth of America, the cookie company has announced the release of a Dunkin' Donuts Mocha-flavored Oreo. It's all the goodness of the coffee and doughnut chain's iced mocha, but in the country's favorite creme-filled cookie.
SEE ALSO:Oreo O's, the cereal of your childhood, is back for goodFor those of you living woefully far from a Dunkin' Donuts, this Oreo flavor might be your gateway into another world, exploring the taste of a place that East Coasters will defend to the death.
(Seriously, don't insult Dunkin' Donuts to people on the Eastern seaboard. They will fight you.)
This new flavor isn't any big surprise. It was leaked last April by the Instagram account The Junk Food Aisle. But now, they're out and ready to give you cavities.
View this post on Instagram
The new flavor, one of Oreos' never ending avalanche, comes on the heels of the company's current hashtag campaign, where it is gathering flavor suggestions from hungry, creative folk and even making a few. Like, they made avocado Oreos. So.
But back to these chocolately creations above: Imagine dunking a Dunkin' Donut Mocha Oreo into a Dunkin' Donut Mocha. Now there's a sweet dream.
[H/T Cosmopolitan]
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