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时间:2025-03-07 10:17:25 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
Toddlers say the dardest things, are we right CBS?Reddit user littlasskicker uploaded a picture of t
Toddlers say the dardest things, are we right CBS?
Reddit user littlasskicker uploaded a picture of their daughter making a serendipitous mistake on New Year's Eve. 。
SEE ALSO:Mariah Carey rep claims she was 'set up to fail' at New Year's Eve performance 。
We told our 3yr old that New Years is special because you get to toast to a new year. A few hours later she said "ARE WE GONNA MAKE TOAST NOW?!" And thus a New Years Day tradition was born from pics 。
After some very lovable confusion over what it means to "make a toast," when the clock struck midnight, the family rung in the new year by raising toasted pieces of bread.。
Cat gets stuck in the most awkward position ever2025-03-07 09:57
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