时间:2025-03-01 00:43:09 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
Anyone that’s ever done their shopping online knows that things always look different in real
Anyone that’s ever done their shopping online knows that things always look different in real life. So, when Twitter user @Dnschtt's friend asked to see the packages she ordered to his house, he didn't disappoint.
"She was like let me see them, so I sent her a pic of the packages," Dnschtt tweeted. Apparently that wasn't enough, so he instead sent her this video.
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He gave us nothing short of a runway worthy performance to the tune of "Supermodel" by RuPaul. I will now expect all my friends to go above and beyond in the same way when I need pictures sent to me.
As for the fanny pack ... Shantay, you stay.
The internet was equally impressed with the performance.
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Needless to say, this backpack and fanny pack dance routine is the lip sync we never knew we needed.
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