时间:2025-01-18 18:57:34 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
At this year's Mobile World Congress in February, Energizer (and Avenir Telecom, who has partnered w
At this year's Mobile World Congress in February, Energizer (and Avenir Telecom, who has partnered with Energizer to manufacture phones under its brand) announced an incredibly thick, 18,000mAh battery phone called the P18K.
The thing was entirely ridiculous, but there was still a possibility that someone cared about battery life so much that they'd actually buy it -- after all, with that battery capacity, the phone was likely to last a week between charges.
Alas, it was not meant to be. Avenir launched an Indiegogo campaign for the phone, and -- as The Verge noted Tuesday -- it failed miserably.
The campaign, which has already ended, only collected $15,005 out of $1.2 million, which was the campaign goal. It only had 11 backers.
Oh dear.Credit: Indiegogo/Avenir telecomIt's safe to say that the P18K, which started at $549 on Indiegogo, will never see the light of day.
Credit: Raymond Wong/MashableThe P18K actually had decent specs beyond that huge battery, including a 6.2-inch notch-less screen, a triple, 12/5/2-megapixel rear camera, a dual, 16/2-megapixel pop-up camera, 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage.
But its sheer unwieldiness probably drove potential customers away -- and having held the P18K in my hand, I don't blame them.
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