时间:2025-01-18 14:02:57 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
The Deep State apparently now includes such malicious actors as James Comey and a daytime television
The Deep State apparently now includes such malicious actors as James Comey and a daytime television talk show host who loves cats.
That's according to top National Security Expert, Eric Trump, Donald Trump's second oldest son. In a tweet Tuesday night, Eric implied that not only were Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were part of this mysterious deep state, but so too was Ellen DeGeneres.
SEE ALSO:Twitter says Trump's nuclear button tweet doesn't violate its rules against abusive behaviorProfessor Eric made the previously unexamined connection between the Deep State and Ellen based on his Twitter recommendations.
Shocking... once again, here are the @Twitter “suggestions” of who I should follow. #DeepState pic.twitter.com/6XYUS02j34
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) January 3, 2018
It's unclear whether or not Eric was being entirely serious, though given his past "research" and public statements, its certainly within reach. In August 2016, Professor Eric told CBS This Morning that if his daughter were to ever be harassed in the workplace, he would hope she switched careers or found another company to work for -- and not actually, you know, receive justice.
Remember -- though some may disagree, Eric Trump is widely held to be the smarter one.
At least we have Twitter to hold Eric accountable.
Not proud to admit this, but I would pay $20 to sit with Eric Trump for ten minutes and have him explain Ellen DeGeneres' shadowy role in the Deep State.
— Tod Kelly (@RTodKelly) January 3, 2018
You do realize none of the 3 recommends are employed by any state, deep or otherwise? In other news, there’s actually no mister under your bed either.
— Camille Kimball (@CamilleKimball) January 3, 2018
Hi Eric, I know you’re not the smart one, but Twitter’s algorithm looks at who you searched for most recently when making suggestions. It looks like you might have recently searched for a Democrat, buddy.
— Matt Clendineng (@mattclen2) January 3, 2018
The Executive Producer of The Ellen Show released this public statement:
We’ve been found out https://t.co/z3CQngwVIg @lee_moran
— andy lassner (@andylassner) January 3, 2018
Maybe this is just Eric's way of asking to be invited to the show? It's possible he just really wants to dance to "Uptown Funk" with Ellen. Is that so much to ask?
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