时间:2025-02-28 23:25:58 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Candy-inspired cereal is generally good. Oreo O's and Reese's Puffs, for example, are among the best
Candy-inspired cereal is generally good. Oreo O's and Reese's Puffs, for example, are among the best cereals the breakfast industrial complex has to offer. 。
Soon, Sour Patch Kids cereal will be among them.。
Starting December 26, cereal inspired by our #1 movie theater snack (it's true; don't argue) will be available at Walmart. Next year, it will roll out in other retailers, timed perfectly with the moment you get sick of eating New Year's resolution veggie omelets for breakfast. 。
Seems good.Credit: PostSEE ALSO:Soup bully won't stop sending anonymous food deliveries to confused neighbor。
According to a press release from Post, the cereal will feature a "sour coating" and a "sweet finish." Sounds great -- we love a flavor that is also a journey. 。
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