时间:2024-12-04 00:42:32 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
Our tiny insect friends have a few notable talents: digging in dirt, crawling on walls, and, apparen
Our tiny insect friends have a few notable talents: digging in dirt, crawling on walls, and, apparently, creating artistic masterpieces.
We now know that stag beetles can make quite the little artists, thanks to Twitter user mandy @ japan and her pet stag beetle, Spike.
Mandy posted a few pictures on Twitter that show off his unexpected special talent that surely has sent shock waves around the art world.
SEE ALSO:Savage ant casually throws another ant off a tableTweet may have been deleted
It's clear from the pictures that all the elements of art are carefully respected in his work: line, color, shape, form, value, space, and texture.
After the post went gained some noteriety, Mandy made Spike his very own Twitter account. It serves as a kind of digital art gallery devoted to his work.
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Spike is 6 months old and has a girlfriend named Sally. He also likes bananas and dislikes empty jelly cups (the food pet beetles typically eat). And cutest of all, he even gives his owner "kisses".
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Someone book Spike a gallery show.
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