时间:2025-03-01 00:23:23 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
If you've always wanted know what it's like to travel through space and time, then this is for you.
If you've always wanted know what it's like to travel through space and time, then this is for you. Soon, you can space/time travel with The Doctor inside the TARDIS for a full 12 minutes.
The BBC announced it is releasing an animated virtual reality Doctor Who film in 2019, that will allow viewers to tag along with The Doctor as she travels around in the TARDIS on a mission to save someone from something.
SEE ALSO:'Groundhog Day' VR game let's you revisit Bill Murray's 1993 adventure as his sonThe movie is entitled Doctor Who: The Runaway, and is a new original Doctor Whostory -- but those are all the details we have so far.
Doctor Who: The Runaway has a runtime of 12 minutes and will be an interactive virtual reality viewing experience, the BBC said in a press release. Fans will be put "at the heart of the story as they immerse themselves in this beautifully animated world," creative director for the BBC's digital drama team, Jo Pearce, said.
It has yet to be made clear which VR headsets Doctor Who: The Runawaywill be available on, but according to the BBC, the movie will launch on "selected VR headsets" this year.
"Doctor Whois exactly the sort of series that can help more people to try this new technology," Zillah Watson, Head of the BBC VR Hub, said. "VR enables Doctor Whoto explore a whole new dimension of storytelling."
This will probably make 2019 a whole lot more bearable for Doctor Who fans, who before the VR short was announced were looking at a completely Doctor Who-less 2019.
In December, BBC said that the next Season 12 of Doctor Whowon't hit the screens until 2020.
Looking forward to seeing you in our goggles, Doctor.
TopicsBBCDoctor WhoVirtual Reality
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