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时间:2025-01-18 18:48:01 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
What's this? Oh nothing, just some images that make it look as though jellyfish are plotting an over
What's this? Oh nothing, just some images that make it look as though jellyfish are plotting an overthrow of the human race.。
SEE ALSO:Reddit's CEO got corrective laser eye surgery—for the apocalypse. I did too.。The Sunshine Coast in Australia, specifically, is being blighted with a huge number of beached, blobby jellyfish invaders. 。
Facebook user Charlotte Lawson captured some creepy shots of the mass beaching that look a little like an alien takeover.。
10 points to Lawson for her incredibly pithy Facebook caption too. "Got jelly" indeed.。
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According to news reports, almost 23,000 people have been stung in the space of a mere two months. That's a quite a lot. 。
And actually, it's all because of those damn strong northerly winds that have been blowing all summer long.。
Tweet may have been deleted。 Though it's best to stay calm in such situations, don't forget that the hostile takeover by a race of strange-looking creatures with stingers has been predicted by such varied sources as。The Day Of The Triffids 。 The Day Of The Triffids 。 , War Of The Worlds。and, um,
Spongebob Squarepants 。. 。
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