时间:2025-02-28 23:13:33 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Working late is rough. Being stuck in your office for two straight weeks because a dozen polar bears
Working late is rough. Being stuck in your office for two straight weeks because a dozen polar bears are right outside?
That is considerably worse.
SEE ALSO:9 wildlife websites for citizen scientists who want to save the earthAccording to the Russian news agency TASS, five Russian scientists working in a remote weather station have been trapped in their outpost by about 10 adult polar bears.
The station's personnel are equipped with flares and dogs to scare the polar bears away -- hunting the animals is banned in Russia -- but they have run out of flares and one of their dogs was killed by (you guessed it) a bear.
Some of the bears have apparently taken to sleeping directly under the station's windows, which is surely less fun than Coke commercials would have you believe.
Never fear, however, slow-moving help is reportedly on the way. An expedition vessel that will reach the station in a month will deliver flares and dogs to the scientists.
Until then, enjoy your office staycation, guys.
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