时间:2025-01-18 18:49:23 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
Last year's Pirelli calendar made headlines for its stunning portrait of a nearly naked Amy Schumer
Last year's Pirelli calendar made headlines for its stunning portrait of a nearly naked Amy Schumer drinking a coffee.
For the 2017 edition, entitled "Emotional," photographer Peter Lindbergh went in a different direction.
He visited five cities to photograph powerful actresses including Julianne Moore, Lupita Nyong'o, Penélope Cruz and Nicole Kidman, all of whom embraced the makeup-free look.
SEE ALSO:Pirelli calendar calls ‘bullsh*t’ on beauty ideals, stars iconic actressesThe idea behind the photos was, “to create a calendar not around perfect bodies, but on sensitivity and emotion, stripping down to the very soul of the sitters, who thus become more nude than naked," Lindbergh said in a press release.
"In a time when women are represented in the media and everywhere else as ambassadors of perfection and youth, I thought it was important to remind everyone that there is a different beauty, more real and truthful and not manipulated by commercial or any other interests, a beauty which speaks about individuality, courage to be yourself and your own private sensibility..." Lindbergh said.
"My aim was to portray women in a different way, and I did it by calling in actresses who’ve played an important role in my life, getting as close as possible to them to take my photos," Lindbergh said. "As an artist, I feel I’m responsible for freeing women from the idea of eternal youth and perfection. The ideal of perfect beauty promoted by society is something that simply can’t be attained.”
Nicole KidmanCredit: Peter LindberghThe first Pirelli Calendar came out in 1964. Since then, only four women have helmed editions. Last year's was photographed by Annie Leibovitz. Even though Lindbergh's goal was to honor women (as is seemingly the goal of the calendar overall), that could be achieved more directly with more women on board.
Robin WrightCredit: Peter LindberghThe full list of women appearing in the 2017 Pirelli Calendar is: Jessica Chastain, Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman, Rooney Mara, Helen Mirren, Julianne Moore, Lupita Nyong’o, Charlotte Rampling, Lea Seydoux, Uma Thurman, Alicia Vikander, Kate Winslet, Robin Wright, Zhang Ziyi and Anastasia Ignatova, a professor of political theory at Moscow State University of International Relations.
As usual, the calendar is not available to the public, but just to the elite fancy people among us.
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