时间:2025-03-07 11:21:35 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
The best investment you'll ever make.Finn Wolfhard took a break from hanging out in the Upside Down
The best investment you'll ever make.
Finn Wolfhard took a break from hanging out in the Upside Down over the weekend to ask fans of Stranger Thingsto help him live out his dream of being a director. You know, typical teen stuff.
The Netflix sci-fi actor is teaming up with Vine star and filmmaker Josh Ovalle to create a Western-style music video for the band Playdate. Ovalle posted a video to YouTube in which Wolfhard explained their vision for the video and set the video's budget which is about $6,000.
The pair have a Indiegogo page where anyone can donate as much money as they would like. The page now has over $2,000 so it seems like Wolfhard and Ovalle will be making their music video debut very soon.
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