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时间:2025-03-07 10:43:07 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
Healthcare for millions of Americans is in jeopardy, and Senator Bernie Sanders is fighting back wit
Healthcare for millions of Americans is in jeopardy, and Senator Bernie Sanders is fighting back with one beautiful, foam core poster.。
Senator Sanders came to the Senate floor on Wednesday dragging a "yuge" poster featuring one of Trump's tweets, blown up. As the Senate debated about whether (or rather when) to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Sanders decided to hold Trump accountable to the thing he promised the over 61 million people who voted for him.。
SEE ALSO:Obama trumps Trump and permanently bans Arctic drilling ahead of inauguration 。"I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. Huckabee copied me,” Trump tweeted in 2015. 。
Now, the GOP-controlled Congress plans to do exactly that. And Sanders wants to remind Congress and the President-elect of what, exactly, he said.。
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Sanders encouraged Trump to either stand by his promise, or openly admit he was lying. 。
"Millions of people voted for him on the belief that he would keep his word,” Sanders said. “If he was sincere, then I would hope that tomorrow or maybe today he could send out a tweet and tell his Republican colleagues to stop wasting their time and all of our time. And for Mr. Trump to tell the American people that he will veto any proposal that cuts Medicare, that cuts Medicaid or that cuts Social Security.”
Memes shortly and logically followed: 。
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