时间:2025-01-18 13:57:11 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
As the holidays approach, Apple's suppliers are not happy.。 The company slashed production of all th
As the holidays approach, Apple's suppliers are not happy.。
The company slashed production of all three of its new iPhone models — the XR, XS, and XS Max — according to a report from the 。 Wall Street Journal。. The XR has reportedly taken the biggest hit: Apple reduced production orders for the XR twice over the past two months. 。
SEE ALSO:Apple products are pricier than ever. Why that’s bad news for its future.。This has reportedly caused frustration and an understandable amount of stress along Apple's China-based supply chain. Foxconn has cut the customary pre-holiday season overtime hours, leaving workers without an expected pay boost. Three of Apple's largest suppliers reduced quarterly profit estimates, which they attributed to a "large client" cutting orders.。
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The new iPhones are Apple's most expensive yet, with its "affordable" XR still coming in at at least $749, and its most premium XS Max reaching up to $1,449. That makes a new iPhone quite an expensive stocking stuffer. 。 The。The 。
Journal 。
Besides, have you seen its fun colors?
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