时间:2024-12-04 01:00:23 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
We're sure Donald Trump is confident that he has the vote of his wife Melania, noted Michelle Obama
We're sure Donald Trump is confident that he has the vote of his wife Melania, noted Michelle Obama fan and subversive dresser. But a quick peek for reassurance can't hurt, right?
Both the Republican presidential nominee and his son Eric appeared to glance in the direction of their wives' ballots while voting on Tuesday morning. Hmm.
SEE ALSO:Donald Trump gets booed on his way to voteTweet may have been deleted
CNN's Nathan McDermott tweeted a side-by-side comparison of the couples at their respective polling places.
Of course these seemingly identical moments of snooping could be totally innocent, split-second looks unfortunately caught on camera. But still, a peek is a peek.
Eyes on your own ballot, Donald.
Via GiphyBONUS: Presidential hopeful Donald Trump gets booed on his way to vote
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