时间:2025-03-09 10:51:11 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
Conspiracy theories are aplenty in the era of Trump, so why not at least have a little fun with the
Conspiracy theories are aplenty in the era of Trump, so why not at least have a little fun with the most innocent theory ever posed? Melania Trump is actually the nanny from Muppet Babies.
Every '90s kid will remember the adorable cartoon spinoff, which ran from 1984 to 1991, and reran deep into the '90s on Nickelodeon. While most characters were baby versions of adult muppets, like Baby Piggy, Baby Beaker and Baby Kermit, there was one mysterious human character: the nanny.
SEE ALSO:The only Melania in the White House is this photographThe unpopular and untrue conspiracy theory started after Sasha Stewart joked on Twitter that the back drop to Melania Trump's White House portrait looked a lot like the window in the nursery on the Muppet Babiesset.
See for yourself. Wow.
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Obviously, Melania is not a muppet, but she definitely could be the nanny, who's face you never see on the show. Viewers only ever see the Nanny from the perspective of the babies -- it's mostly just a shot of her striped socks, pink skirt, purple shoes and sweater.
Would Melania ever wear this getup? Probably not, but the late '80s early '90s was a super weird time so, like, maybe?
Here is another very interesting theory!!!
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An episode called "Back to the Nursery" shows the Nanny working as a carhop in the 1950s. Melania was born in the '70s, but please just trust that this is a very real conspiracy theory worthy of your time.
If anything, this theory got the theme song from Muppet Babiesingrained deep, deep into your brain for the next week. You're welcome.
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