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时间:2025-01-18 18:58:40 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
Forget the Super Bowl or。 The Bachelorette。 season finale: for many, Thursday's Senate hearing with
Forget the Super Bowl or。 The Bachelorette 。 season finale: for many, Thursday's Senate hearing with former FBI Director James Comey is the must-watch television of the year. 。
To clarify, by "many," I mean a dozen or so dorks, half of whom work at this office. What's happening in Washington isn't so much "fun" as it as a devastating breakdown in the liberal democratic order.。
That being said, who doesn't want to fantasize that James Comey will take down the American president in, oh, seven or eight hours?
Thanks for signing up! 。
Time to get our hopes up and party, y'all.。SEE ALSO:Wow, James Comey's breakup playlist is really powerful 。
2. If watching is too stressful, just turn your TV off and follow along on Twitter so smart people can watch it for you instead.。
3. Have the Cute Emergency Twitter account open at all times in case of crisis. 。
Via Giphy 。
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