时间:2025-02-28 20:21:04 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
If you use Instagram to promote your business, you may soon have more ways to connect with potential
If you use Instagram to promote your business, you may soon have more ways to connect with potential customers.
Instagram is testing new profile pages for businesses that feature large "contact" buttons, which make it easier to connect directly with the companies running the account.
SEE ALSO:Instagram is launching new video slideshow adsThe profiles, first spotted by later.com, contain "contact" buttons that link to email and location information. The profiles also have general information about the type of business it is (e.g. "Health/Wellness Website.")
An Instagram spokesperson confirmed the tests to Mashable, adding that only a small group of users are part of the experiment for now.
But it would appear that Instagram is planning for a broader rollout eventually as the service looks to ramp up its advertising products.
Recodepreviously reported that Instagram was planning on testing the new profiles, but this is the first time we've spotted them in the wild. (The company is also reportedly working on better analytics for business' posts and a way to buy ads through mobile devices.)
Earlier this week, Instagram began testing a new video ad carousel product. The ads allow brands to surface three to five photos and videos to users at once.
The company has also recently introduced new video features that, while not explicitly advertising products, will likely be welcomed by brands and businesses that use Instagram: featured video channels, which and 60-second videos.
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