时间:2025-02-28 23:21:13 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Sean Spicer has officially resigned from his role in Trump's Administration and Anthony Scaramucci h
Sean Spicer has officially resigned from his role in Trump's Administration and Anthony Scaramucci has been announced as the White House Communications Director.
While one might assume a prominent Wall Street financier such as Scaramucci would have nothing but love and adoration for President Trump, as his Twitter history shows that hasn't always been the case.
Shortly after reports that Scaramucci accepted the position began circulating, curious Twitter users handled the news the only logical way, by delving deep into Scaramucci's online past. And unfortunately for him, people began noticing Scaramucci was deleting all his old Trump insults.
SEE ALSO:Sean Spicer has resigned from the White House and our lives will never be the sameAccording to Twitter sleuthing, here are two of the Trump Team take-down tweets Scaramucci has already attempted to wipe from his internet history — though he should know that screenshots are forever.
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Others had some suggestions of tweets he shouldbe deleting. How helpful!
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And who could forget that time Scaramucci slammed Trump, calling him "anti-American" and disagreeing with his "big mouth" and behavior towards women?
Too bad Scaramucci can't delete this YouTube video ...
Politics is great, isn't it???
UPDATEDJuly 22 at 2:09 p.m. ET: Scaramucci took to Twitter on Saturday to confirm what we already knew: yes, he's deleting tweets. He wants to be transparent about it, you see.
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Actual transparency would have meant admitting to this beforeyou were caught, "The Mooch." Don Jr. might not be the best role model here.
TopicsTwitterDonald TrumpPolitics
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