时间:2025-03-07 10:23:31 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
The Mini is a bite-sized version of The New York Times' revered daily crossword. While the crossword
The Mini is a bite-sized version of The New York Times' revered daily crossword. While the crossword is a lengthier experience that requires both knowledge and patience to complete, The Mini is an entirely different vibe.
With only a handful of clues to answer, the daily puzzle doubles as a speed-running test for many who play it.
So, when a tricky clue disrupts a player's flow, it can be frustrating! If you find yourself stumped playing The Mini — much like with Wordle and Connections — we have you covered.
Here are the clues and answers to NYT's The Mini for Thursday, Oct. 15, 2023:
The answer is Moat.
The answer is Ergo.
The answer is Weird.
The answer is Or so.
The answer is Slow.
The answer is Mew.
The answer is Oreos.
The answer is A Girl.
The answer is Torso.
The answer is Dow.
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