时间:2025-01-18 16:08:17 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
Everyone wants their iPhone backed up, but no one wants to take the time to actually do it. SanDisk'
Everyone wants their iPhone backed up, but no one wants to take the time to actually do it.
SanDisk's iXpand Base tries to solve that problem by backing up your phone every time you charge it.
SEE ALSO:Siri-powered wireless charging dock could be the iPhone's ultimate companionFirst, you'll need to download the iXpand Base iOS app and allow it to access your camera roll. From there, the system will backup all your photos, messages, and contacts.
It works with all existing and future iPhones that use a Lightning cable, as well as iPads (iPad 4, iPad Air 2, iPad Mini, and up). But it should be noted that the device doesn't come with its own Lightning cable.
Instead, you plug the base into the wall, plug your phone through your own cable into the base, and watch the magic happen.
If you unplug your phone before the backup is complete, it will pick back up where it left off the next time you plug it in.
iXpand Base notifies you when the backup is complete.Credit: western digitalIt might look like a wireless charging device, but that's just the rubber top to make sure your phone doesn't slip off. There's also a wrap-around groove to help keep your Lightning cable tidy and out of the way.
And iXpand Base can back up multiple phones, creating separate folders for each one.
You don't even need an existing cloud account to get started -- just plug in the phone and a new account will be created. All you have to do is go into the app to restore your data if your iPhone does happen to crash at any point.
There are four models available, with smallest base starting at 32GB for $49.99 and going all the way up to 256GB for $199.99.
There are no recurring charges for the base and backups. Just purchase once and you're set for life. iXpand Base even comes with a two-year warranty in case you have any problems with it.
iXpand Base ships in September. So if you're always ruining your iPhone, but don't want to lose everything stored on it, this product might be worth checking out.
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