时间:2025-03-18 06:43:56 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
John Cena wants to inspire all of us to take out the trash.According to UPROXX,the latest edition of
John Cena wants to inspire all of us to take out the trash.
According to UPROXX, the latest edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter has announced that the wrestler signed a hefty “multi-million dollar" deal to become the new spokesperson for...Hefty.
Yes, Hefty as in the trash bags.
SEE ALSO:Little girl delivers birthday cupcake to her 'favorite, awesome, smiley garbage man'For this multi-million dollar trash bag deal, Cena will reportedly be starring in a several commercials to promote Hefty’s “Ultra Strong” garbage bags. Ultra strong garbage bags? Ultra strong wrestler? We see what you did there, Hefty.
This will not be Cena's first product endorsement. Aside from being a pro-wrestler and actor, Cena is also known for partnering with Gillette and creating some true cinematic masterpieces.
Here are two of his old school commercials to get you psyched for what's to come:
Can't wait to take out the trash like a champ.
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