时间:2025-03-07 11:25:18 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
We think they call this a full circle moment.Giphy helped usher in the dominance of short-form video
We think they call this a full circle moment.
Giphy helped usher in the dominance of short-form video online when it created an easy way to strip sound, add text, host, and (crucially) share your favorite super short video clips or series of photos. Now, the gif platform is heading back to the future as it begins to host regular ol' video clips — sound included — too.
On Tuesday, Giphy unveiled a new videos hub at giphy.com/videos where it will host short-form video content from media partners like Universal and BBC America.
Videos will be capped at 30 seconds, but Giphy recommends its partners keep it to a tight 15.
For now, this won't be a space where any joe schmo user can upload a video. Instead, it's reserved for partners, most of which are currently media companies. That means you can get the full emotional impact of this baby penguin walking through the snow by hearing the wind of the tundra whip around him.
Via GiphyGiphy has been increasing its advertising and multimedia offerings of late as it eyes profitability. Currently, advertisers can pay to promote gifs on the platform. The videos won't be eligible for that sort of advertising at the moment, but CEO Alex Chung told Varietythat they're not ruling that out.
“It will be interesting when the content isthe ad, and the ad is entertaining,” Chung said. Truly, a beautiful future.
Giphy also isn't ruling out eventually letting users upload video, although that space is currently ruled by TikTok and Instagram.
In addition to BBCA and Universal promoting their TV and movies, the hub also includes content from the Chicago Bulls (and its mascot, Benny the Bull), and a music video snippet from Marshmello, Yungblud, and Blackbear. That is what you call premium content, people.
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