您的当前位置:首页 >焦點 >【】, Sony announced on Thursday. 正文
时间:2025-03-09 10:01:37 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
It's every actor's dream to play a universal role, and the legendary Patrick Stewart may have won on
It's every actor's dream to play a universal role, and the legendary Patrick Stewart may have won on that front once and for all. Stewart will voice Poop in this year's animated 。 The Emoji Movie 。The Emoji Movie 。
, Sony announced on Thursday.。SEE ALSO:29 times Patrick Stewart was hands down the most awesome guy on Twitter。
The announcement came via tweet from the Sony Pictures Twitter account, which used the words "distinguished" and Poop as a proper noun in the same sentence.。
Tweet may have been deleted。
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Thanks for signing up!。 Pooptrick StewartCaptain PoopardPoopfessor XavierPooping For GodotAnthony & CleopooptraRoyal Shakespeare CompoonyX-Men: Apoocalypse"To boldy poo where no man has pooed before"(There's a William Shatner joke in here somewhere, and we trust you to create it).。To quote 。
To quote 。Mashable 。
hits theaters August 4th.。
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