时间:2025-03-07 11:27:14 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
Good day, Wordlers! As always, if you couldn't solve the April 4 Wordleand just want to get to the a
Good day, Wordlers!
As always, if you couldn't solve the April 4 Wordleand just want to get to the answer, scroll to the bottom.
But here's a little more on Wordlein case you're unfamiliar: It's a daily word game created by Brooklyn-based software engineer Josh Wardle and purchased by the New York Times.
Every day, players are greeted with a fresh word puzzle that can only be solved — or not! — using a series of process-of-elimination clues.
(And if you're the adventurous type, you can also give Absurdle, Worldle, the 31-word Grand Slam or Wordleclones for specific fandoms a shot.)
More on our favorite word game below, along with the answer that brought you here.
That depends, but we've got plenty of ideas for you to try.
There were two different Wordle answers again Wednesday. Here's why.
In case you were wondering, no, it's not getting harder. In fact, we've technically all been playing it on easy mode — here's how to go to Hard Mode.
Just one Wordlea day not doing it for you? Good news. You can also play the whole archive of past Wordles.
Yesterday's Wordle:Here's the April 3 Wordleanswer in case you're looking for it. We do this every day.
More Wordle: Hints and the answer for Wordle#290, April 5.
Grab one of these to stay warm.
The April 4 Wordleends in the letter "L."
It is...
Mashable will be providing Wordleanswers, along with more Wordleupdates in the weeks ahead.
Reporting by Caitlin Welsh and Adam Rosenberg contributed to this article.
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