时间:2025-03-18 03:42:28 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
Rest in peace, 69 jokes.It brings me no pleasure to report that President Donald Trump included "69"
Rest in peace, 69 jokes.
It brings me no pleasure to report that President Donald Trump included "69" and "nice" in the same tweet on Wednesday, effectively killing the internet's most beloved tradition. That's right, folks: 69 jokes will never be the same again. Blame the president.
Tweet may have been deletedSEE ALSO:Nancy Pelosi literally 'claps back' at Trump's State of the Union
Trump's tweet referred to a Gallup poll released earlier this week in which 69 percent of respondents said they expected their finances to improve over the next year. So the number can't be helped. But it does raise a disturbing question: Does Trump know about 69 jokes, or is this tweet simply a coincidence?
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Frankly, I do not wish to think about it.
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