时间:2025-01-18 16:53:24 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
You probably heard about Ryan Grassley, the dude who was charged $39.35 for making skin-to-skin cont
You probably heard about Ryan Grassley, the dude who was charged $39.35 for making skin-to-skin contact with his newborn baby in the hospital.。
Now, Grassley is charging others $39.35 for hugging his baby. 。
SEE ALSO:One man was charged $40 to hold his newborn baby。"Hey Reddit I'm the dad who was charged $39.35 to hold my son at the hospital. Here's my kid in his new favorite shirt," he wrote on Reddit last night, along with this photo.。
Credit: imgur。
It's clear Grassley has a sense of humor about the whole thing. He crowdfunded a reimbursement for the silly charge on GoFundMe and concluded his plea with, "Any money donated over the $39.35 will be put towards a vasectomy because I never want to go though these sleepless new baby nights again."。
Hopefully, all money raised from Junior's hugs will go straight into his college fund.。
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