时间:2025-03-09 09:58:31 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
If you want to predict President Donald Trump's next move, look no further than Fox News' hit propag
If you want to predict President Donald Trump's next move, look no further than Fox News' hit propaganda disasterpiece, Fox and Friends.
Trump has long been a fan of the show, frequently tweeting about show segments when he's not busy spreading anti-Muslim venom. A new graphic examines the relationship between Trump's tweets and the hours when Fox & Friendscomes on television.
It's just as bad as you always dreamed it would be.
SEE ALSO:Someone created a storm lamp that produces lightning every time Trump tweetsTake a look for yourself.
Dan Snow, a masters in public policy student at the University of Chicago, posted the graph on r/dataisbeautiful Thursday. Snow used data from the Trump Twitter Archive GitHub to plot the relationship.
"I had been playing around with plotting y-axis time data to show the number of hours I slept for each day of the month. I found the Trump Twitter Archive and figured I could do the same thing for all his tweets. The Fox & Friendsthing was the suggestion of a friend after we noticed the high density of tweets between 6 and 9 a.m.," Snow said in an email.
It's important to emphasize that correlation does not equal causation. There are other factors that could influence Trump's early morning tweeting -- maybe that's when he's simply the most alert, or when he starts his heavy television for the day.
"We have no idea what Trump is actually doing from 6-9 a.m. or if F&F is the cause of his increased tweet density," Snow said.
Still, there are reasons to suspect a more meaningful relationship. The Fox & Friendshosts have mentioned on air that the president loves 'em and concepts from the show, or its commercials, have ended up repeated on the president's Twitter feed, or spewing right out of his own mouth. Remember when he told the New York Timesyou could buy health insurance for $12 a year? He apparently confused the price with the cost of Gerber's Life insurance as advertised in a commercial that routinely runs during the show.
If there's a way Trump's nanny, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly could take his phone away, that would be great. Thanks.
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