时间:2025-03-07 11:24:46 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
Surface Pro 4 owners in need of a cover/keyboard combo have just gotten another official option: The
Surface Pro 4 owners in need of a cover/keyboard combo have just gotten another official option: The Alcantara-covered Signature Type Cover.
The new Type Cover costs $159.99, and doesn't offer any novelties in terms of functionality. It is, however, covered in two-tone gray Alcantara, a luxury synthetic material manufactured by the Milan-based company of the same name, similar to suede leather but more durable and resistant to stains.
According to Microsoft, the Alcantara used on the new Type Cover is "wonderfully soft to touch" and "ages beautifully." The promo video (below) will do little to convince you of either claim, but you will get a very detailed look at the new cover and the manufacturing process behind it.
For the same price, you can get the slightly more mundane Surface Pro 4 Type Cover with Fingerprint ID, which has the additional perk of letting you log into your computer with a touch of the finger. And there's the regular, plastic Surface Pro 4 Type Cover, which comes in five colors and costs $129.99.
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