时间:2024-11-22 01:44:57 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
You know all dogs are good dogs, but do you know all birds are evil?A short video posted by reddit u
You know all dogs are good dogs, but do you know all birds are evil?
A short video posted by reddit user, Toadyfinan, Sunday should be enough to convince you. A woman is shown merely turning her back on the glass, when a Eurasian eagle-owl flies and crashes into a window at her at a local zoo.
The owl was coming towards the window talons first so it only managed to smack its claws against the class according to Toadyfinan. But it was totally heading for her.
The caption on the video simply says, “What she does when I turn around. The birds hate me.” The owl has apparently attacked the glass before.
Comment from discussion Attempted drive-by hooting.Lets hope this bird, and all birds just calm down and be cool for once.
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