您的当前位置:首页 >百科 >【】's SIVA threat -- is up to no good. 正文
时间:2025-01-18 20:29:59 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
"The Wretched Eye" is the one and only new Strike in。 Destiny: Rise of Iron。. If you're reading this
"The Wretched Eye" is the one and only new Strike in。 Destiny: Rise of Iron。. If you're reading this now, it's also your first look at the add-on's new Plaguelands setting.。
The Strike tasks fireteams with venturing into the murky depths of the Plaguelands, where a high priest from the House of Devils -- the Fallen sub-faction responsible for unleashing。 Rise of Iron 。Rise of Iron 。
's SIVA threat -- is up to no good. 。SEE ALSO:7 amazing gaming kill streaks to make you question your skill 。 This high priest wants to raise an army of Hive, the foe that was at the center of 。Destiny 。 's 2015 add-on,The Taken King。
By signing up you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.。 Thanks for signing up!。The Strike ends with one of the more unusual boss fights in。
Destiny。 . Your target is the Fallen High Priest, but there's a rampaging Hive Ogre to contend with as well. 。The catch is that the Ogre is immune to all damage. It doesn't have the standard Ogre's trademark eye beam --。
thankfully。 -- so it just wanders around the arena, punching anything that gets too close.。The boss fight plays out in a large, open arena and is similar in some ways to the boss fights from The Nexus or The Summoning Pits, both of which were prominent during the first year of 。
Destiny 。 Destiny 。's life. 。
Check out the full Strike in the video above and play it yourself when。
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