时间:2024-11-21 20:30:45 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
Nothing brings the Star Wars fanbase together quite like two legends uniting.The heroes in question?
Nothing brings the Star Wars fanbase together quite like two legends uniting.
The heroes in question? Star Wars creator George Lucas, and everybody's favorite Mandaloriancharacter, Baby Yoda.
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Isn't that just one of the most adorable things you've seen this decade?
Jon Favreau, executive producer of The Mandalorian, posted that photo late on Thursday night. At the time of writing, it already has well over 50,000 retweets in five hours.
As you can probably imagine, the fans couldn't get enough.
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There aren't many tweets that have the power to elicit pure, simple happiness – but this is definitely one of them.
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