时间:2025-02-28 20:36:02 来源:网络整理编辑:新聞中心
You've never seen Los Angeles like this.Pro BMX rider Nigel Sylvester made a wild video on a Sony Ac
You've never seen Los Angeles like this.
Pro BMX rider Nigel Sylvester made a wild video on a Sony Action Cam, chronicling a crazy ride through the city. It's the second installment of his series Go; the first one took place in New York City.
Since this one is in LA, it's packed with celebrity cameos featuring Nick Young, Rob Dyrdek, Jamie Chung and more.
Watch as Sylvester cruises through the city, set to rap tracks like Zoey Dollaz "Blow a Check" and Bodega Bamz "Say Amen." Then, check out some black and white behind-the-scenes photos below, taken by photographer Harrison Boyce.
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