时间:2025-03-07 10:44:55 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
LOS ANGELES -- Netflix will unveil four original documentaries -- including one on Amanda Knox-- at
LOS ANGELES -- Netflix will unveil four original documentaries -- including one on Amanda Knox-- at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival in September.
“The breadth of our slate at the Toronto International Film Festival speaks to Netflix’s continued celebration of diverse voices and styles in the world of nonfiction," Lisa Nishimura, Netflix's vice president of original documentary programming, said in a statement. "We are committed to pushing the boundaries of the documentary form, and our films screening at Toronto represent both emerging talent and iconic filmmakers during a thrilling time for documentaries.”
Here's a look at what will premiere (and when to catch it on Netflix).
SEE ALSO:The 'Netflix tax' is startingDirectors Rod Blackhurst and Brian McGinn delve into the notorious case that propelled Knox, the American study abroad student accused of killing her roommate, into the spotlight.
When you can stream it on Netflix: Sept. 30
Werner Herzog + volcanoes: What more do you need?
In this doc, Herzog partners up with volcanologist Clive Oppenheimer to explore volcanoes across the globe in Indonesia, Ethiopia, Iceland and North Korea.
When you can stream it on Netflix: Oct. 28
Academy Award–nominated director Kief Davidson and Richard Ladkani spent 16 months filming undercover to delve into the corrupt network of ivory trafficking.
When you can stream it on Netflix: Nov. 4
The short doc follows three volunteer rescue workers in Syria and Turkey "as they put everything on the line to save civilians affected by the war, all the while wracked with worry about the safety of their own loved ones."
When you can stream it on Netflix: Sept. 16
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